Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0

Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0

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Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a devastating and almost always fatal feline disease arising from mutations in the common feline coronavirus (FECV), which infect 40-80% of cats worldwide. GS-441524, also known as GS-5734, is a potent inhibitor of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) virus. GS-441524 has a strong inhibitory effect on feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus. GS-441524 is a molecular precursor of a pharmacologically active nucleoside triphosphate molecule. These analogs serve as alternative substrates and RNA chain terminators for viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. GS-441524 is non-toxic in feline cells at concentrations as high as 100, effectively inhibits FIPV replication in CRFK cell cultures and naturally infects feline peritoneal macrophages at concentrations as low as 1.
GS-441524 is a small molecule, scientific name nucleoside triphosphate competitive inhibitor, which exhibits potent antiviral activity against many RNA viruses. Can inhibit the replication of several different types of RNA viruses, such as the zoonotic severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, MERS virus, Ebola virus, Lassa fever virus, Junin virus, and respiratory syncytial viruses, etc., while being less cytotoxic in a broad range of cell lines.

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Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0Veterniary Medicine Cat Fip GS-441524 CAS 1191237-69-0